Dr. Jean-Max Guieu
Dr. Jean-Max Guieu
Senior Professor of French Emeritus
School of Foreign Service
Georgetown University
Washington, D.C., 20057
E-mail: guieuj@georgetown.edu
Phone: (202) 687-6160
Ph.D., 1976
- University of Maryland
Maîtrise de Lettres Modernes (French), 1968
- Université d'Aix-Marseille
- 1er Prix Concours de nouvelles Destimed, thème : "La Méditerranée, d'une rive à l'autre" Avril 2015.
- Georgetown GUROP recipient of a Teaching-Research Award (this competition allowed my research assistants, Lauren Creecy, SFS 98, then Aristia Kinis, SFS 02, and William Howerton, SFS 09 to work with me on the Dreyfus database).
- Georgetown University Vicennial Medal Finalist, 1997.
- Ministère de l'Education Nationale : Chevalier des Palmes Académiques, 1989; Officier, 2009.
- NEH grant to organize the Colloquium "Emile Zola and the Arts," at Georgetown University, Oct 1986
- Pi Delta Phi, National French Honor Society, 1979
- Prix Marcel Pagnol de la Nouvelle Provençale, concours du Méridional, Février. 1975
- Phi Kappa Phi, Honor Society for Academic Excellence, 1973
- Guieu, Jean-Max and Amadou Koné (eds.). Perspectives créoles: Louisiane, Antilles, Haïti. New Orleans, Presses universitaires du Nouveau Monde, 2007.
- Guieu, Jean-Max and Michèle Sarde (eds.). Memories for the 21st Century. Cultural Experiments in 20th Century France. Washington DC: Georgetown University Faculty of Languages & Linguistics Publications, 2002.
- Guieu, Jean-Max (ed.). Paris in the Jazz Era. Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Faculty of Languages and Linguistics Publications, 2001.
- Guieu, Jean-Max. A Comprehensive Digital Bibliography of the Dreyfus Case, its time & its legacy. Paris: Société Littéraire des Amis d'Emile Zola-Centre d'Etudes sur Zola et le Naturalisme, CD-ROM, Graphixc (San Diego, CA), 2000. At the Lorraine Beitler Collection at the University of Pennsylvania : http://sceti.library.upenn.edu/dreyfus/docs/Beitler_bibliography7.pdf
- Guieu, Jean-Max (ed.). Intolerance & Indignation. L'Affaire Dreyfus. Paris: Fischbacher, 1999.
- Guieu, Jean-Max and Alison Hilton (eds.). Emile Zola and the Arts. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1988.
- Guieu, Jean-Max. Le Théâtre lyrique d'Emile Zola. Préface de Henri Mitterand, Publié avec le concours du Centre National des Lettres. Paris: Fischbacher, 1983. ebook: Nouveau Monde Editions, 2014 . http://www.worldcat.org/title/theatre-lyrique-demile-zola/oclc/903094923?referer=di&ht=edition
- "Hommage à Jean-Pierre Leduc-Adine," Les Cahiers Naturalistes, N° 90, 2016 : 428-430
- "Margherita di Provenza (1221-1295), Regina consorte di San Luigi re di Francia," in Annamaria Laserra(ed.), Le Signore dei Signori della Storia, Roma, Franco Angeli edizioni, 2013.
- "Hommage à Lise Puaux-Bruneau (1910-2011)," Les Cahiers Naturalistes N° 85, 2011 : 396-7.
- "Images and the Media: The Paradigm of the fin-de-siècle French Tabloids," in Henry Frendo (ed.), The European Mind: Narrative and Identity, proceedings of the 10th Conference organized by the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, University of Malta, July 2006, Malta University Press, Vol 2, Part 4, 2010.
- "Limites des limites et contrôle de l'appellation d'origine," in Limits/Limites, Contemporary French & Francophone Studies: Sites , Vol. 13, issue 4, University of Illinois, September 2009
- "'L'Hydre au casque pointu, sournoisement s'avance…'. Fanfares et fanfaronnades militaires dans les chansons de la Grande Guerre," in Annamaria Laserra, Nicole Leclerq & Marc Quaghebeur (eds.), Mémoires et Antimémoires littéraires au XXe siècle: La Première Guerre Mondiale, Coll. Documents pour l'Histoire des Francophonies No 15. Bruxelles: P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2008.
- "How the legacy of Dreyfus Affair pertains to challenges facing Democracy Today," in the "Democracy Today," Second Annual distinguished Lecture Series, the Lorraine Beitler Collection of the Dreyfus Affair, Shoenberg Center for Electronic Text & Images University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Philadelphia, PA, April 3, 2008.
- http://repository.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1001&context=beitler
- "Avant que la Bête ne meure. Le Cas Dancette," trad. Dominique Petitfaux, Le Collectionneur de Bandes Dessinées, Nº 112, Février 2008, 25-29.
- "L'Habitation Saint-Ybars ou Maîtres et Esclaves en Louisiane (1881), 'récit social' d'Alfred Mercier," in Jean-Max Guieu and Amadou Koné (eds.), Perspectives créoles: Louisiane, Antilles, Haïti, New Orleans, Presses Universitaires du Nouveau-Monde, 2007.
- "La Bête est morte: A World War Two Zoo," in Denis Provencher & Andrew Sobanet (eds.), France 1940-1944: The Ambiguous Legacy, Special Issue of Contemporary French Civilization, University of Illinois Press, Summer/Fall 2007, Vol. XXXI, Number 2.
- "Fanaticism and Deconstruction of the Individual during the Dreyfus Affair: The Graphic Impact of Political Caricatures," in Enrique Banùs (ed.), The Narrative of Modernity. Co-existence of Differences, proceedings of the 9th Conference organized by the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, Aug. 2004, CD ROM Volume, Winter 2006.
- "The Legacy of the Dreyfus Case: Human Rights and the French Ligue des Droits de l'Homme (1898)," in Stephany Plecker (ed.), Human Rights: A growing World without them, proceedings of the 8th Conference organized by the James Madison University, Harrisonburg VA, March 30, 2006, CD ROM Volume, 2006.
- "Les Intellectuels belges dans l'Affaire Dreyfus," in Annamaria Laserra (ed.). Histoire, mémoire, identité dans la littérature non fictionnelle. L'exemple belge. Bruxelles: I.E.I.-Peter Lang, 2006.
- "Choix moraux et juste milieu: l'engagement des élites belges dans l'Affaire Dreyfus," Journal des Belges à l'étranger, Nº 219, janvier-février-mars 2005, 7.
- "Naturaliste et Dreyfusard: Alfred Bruneau, écrivain engagé," in Paul-André Bempéchat (ed.), Liber AmicorumIsabelle Cazeaux. Symbols, Parallels and Discoveries in Her Honor, Festschrift Series Nº19, Hillsdale, NY, Pendragon Press 2005
- "L'Iconothèque électronique à l'Université de Georgetown," Cahiers de l’Affaire Dreyfus, Société Internationale de l'Affaire Dreyfus, Nº1, 2004.
- "Les Autoportraits photographiques d'Emile Zola," in Dorothy Spiers, yannick Portebois & Paul Perron (eds.), Zola, l'homme-récit, numéro ors série, Paris, Les Cahiers Naturalistes, 2003.
- "Coping with Globalization: The Provencal Pastorales," in Daniel Meyer-Dinkgräfe (ed.) European Culture in a Changing World: Between Nationalism and Globalism, proceedings of the 8th Conference organized by the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, United Kingdom, July 2002, CD. ROM Volume, 2002.
- "L'Affaire Dreyfus et l'Exposition Universelle de 1900," in Jean-Max Guieu and Michèle Sarde (eds.), Memories for the 21st Century. Cultural Experiments in 20th Century France. Washington DC: Georgetown University Faculty of Languages & Linguistics Publications, 2002.
- "The Image of Napoléon in French Literature," in John Hirsh and Roberto Severino (eds.), Napoleon: One Image, Ten Mirrors. Washington D.C., Georgetown University Faculty of Languages and Linguistics Publications, 2002.
- "Le Rêve d'Alfred Bruneau: how the Contemporary World finally entered the Lyric Stage," in Daniel Apollon, Odd-Bjørn Fure & Lars Svåsand (eds.), Approaching a New Millenium: Lessons from the Past - Prospect for the Future, proceedings of the 7th Conference organized by the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, Bergen University, Norway, August 2000, CD. ROM volume, 2001.
- "La Garçonne de Victor Margueritte, inspiration et repoussoir des Années Folles," in Jean-Max Guieu (ed.), Paris in the Jazz Age. Washington DC: Georgetown University Faculty of Languages and Linguistics Publications, 2001.
- "Le Paradigme de l'Enfant unique chez Zola," proceedings of the Colloque "Règles du genre et inventions du génie au XIXe siècle," University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, September 1998. Cahiers Naturalistes, Nº175, special issue, Fall 2000.
- "Provençal Novelists and Dialectal Identity," in Sacha Talmor & Rachel Ben-David (eds.), Twentieth Century European Narratives: Tradition & Innovation, proceedings of the 6th Conference organized by the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, Haifa University, Israel, August 1998, CD. ROM volume, 2000.
- "L'Affaire: résistance à l'intolérance, mémoire de l'indignation," Intolerance & Indignation. L'Affaire Dreyfus.Paris, Fischbacher, 1999, 12-17.
- "La Croisade iconographique de l'Affaire et ses dérapages," Intolerance & Indignation. L'Affaire Dreyfus. Paris, Fischbacher, 1999, 89-108.
- "La Mémoire de l'Affaire Dreyfus," France-Amérique, No 1339, 7-13 Février 1998: 16-17.
- "Alfred Bruneau and Emile Zola: Naturalism on the Lyric Stage," The Opera Quarterly, Durham N.C., Duke University Press, Vol 10, No 2, Winter 1993-94, : 57-66. Adapted from previous article in the Massenet Society Newsletter.
- "Mirèio and Mireille: Mistral's Poem and Gounod's Opera," The Opera Quarterly, Durham, N.C., Duke University Press, Vol. 10, No 1, Autumn 1993: 33-47.
- "Charles Demuth, lecteur/illustrateur de Zola," Emile Zola. Bilan et Perspectives, Actes du Colloque de Columbia U, Les Cahiers Naturalistes, No 67, 1993: 263-274.
- "Les Caricatures antidreyfusardes de H. Lebourgeois," Mimesis et Semiosis: Littérature et représentation, Paris, Nathan, 1992, 435-446.
- "Les Illustrateurs des Romans d'Emile Zola aux Etats-Unis," Zola en Images, Actes du Colloque de la Bibliothèque Nationale, Les Cahiers Naturalistes, No 66, 1992: 209-219.
- "Alfred Bruneau and Emile Zola: Naturalism on the Lyric Stage," Massenet Society Newsletter, Vol. 11, No 3, July 1992: 7-16.
- "Le Quotidien des Frances régionales," Echos, Centre International d'Etudes Pédagogiques, Paris, No. Spécial 63, October 1991: 107-111.
- "Franglais Spoken Here: The French Appetite for American Words," The World & I, Vol. 6, No. 3, March 1991: 656-667.
- "Crime and Atonement: From Rue Saint-Nicaise, Paris, to Fayette (35th) Street (N.W.), Georgetown," The Georgetown Journal of Languages & Linguistics, Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 1990: 55-74.
- "De l'Importance de la Presse de Province dans la classe de Civilisation Française," Communication and Media in Contemporary French Culture, M. Bilezikian & M. Sarde eds., Contemporary French Civilization, SpecialIssue, Summer/Fall 1989, Vol. XIII, No. 2: 360-379.
- "Christmas in Provence," The Jerome Quarterly, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Nov.-Dec. 1989: 3-4.
- "Zola et l'Art lyrique: Lazare, livret expérimental," Emile Zola and the Arts, Washington D.C., Georgetown University Press, 1988, 135-149.
- Jean-Max Guieu & Jean-François Thibault: "Fin de Siècle Exoticism Revisited: Delibes Lakmé, Dallas Civic Opera Magazine, Vol XIII, No 2, Nov. 1980: 36-39. Rprt. Washington Concert Opera, Sept. 1989.
- "Lazarus, a lyrical drama by Emile Zola," French-American Review, Vol II, No. 3, Fall 1978: 135-140.
- "Zola et le drame lyrique," Aux Sources de la Vérité du Théâtre moderne, Paris, Minard, Collection Lettres Modernes, Situation No. 30, 1974: 63-83.
Book Reviews
Book Reviews
- Robert, Frédéric. Zola en chansons, en poésies et en musique. Liège: Editions Pierre Mardaga, 2001. In Cahiers Naturalistes, No 76, 2002.
- Zola, Emile. Les Rougon-Macquart. Paris: Le Catalogue des Lettres, 1997. Caravan TREVI, Microsoft8 CD-ROM Bibliopolis Chardwyck Healey France. In Cahiers Naturalistes, No 74, 2000.
- Canoui, Béatrice. Plume de Plomb. Paris: France Empire, 1982. In The French Review, 1984.
- Henriot, Joseph. Champagne Charlie. Paris: Albin Michel, 1982. In The French Review, Vol.58, 1984.
- Bertier de Sauvigny, Guillaume de. La France et les Français vus par les voyageurs américains, 1814-1848. Paris: Flammarion, 1982. In The French Review, Vol. 57, Oct. 1983.
- Beaumont Wicks, Charles. The Parisian Stage: Part V (1876-1900). The University of Alabama Press, 1979. In The South Atlantic Review, Vol. 47, No 2, May 1982.
- Cohen-Tanugi, Pierre et Christian Morrisson. Salaires, intérêts, profits dans l'industrie française. Paris: Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, 1979. In The French Review, Vol. 55, No 2, Dec. 1981.
- Deuxième rapport sur les revenus des Français. (Documents du Centre des revenus et des coûts, No. 51). Paris: La Documentation française, 1979. In The French Review, Vol. 55, No. 2, Dec. 1981.
- Puyo, Jean et Patrice Van Eersel. Sacrés Français, ou Les Nouveaux Cahiers de doléances. Paris: Stock, 1978. In The French Review, Vol. 55, No. 1, Oct. 1981.
Published Translations
Published Translations
- "J'accuse," by Emile Zola. Translation, presentation and notes. With Prof. Shelley Temchin. Online.
- Presentation and Translation for programs of Alfred Bruneau's Lazare, performed by the Catholic University Orchestra and Chorus at the Saint Matthew's Cathedral, Washington, D.C., Oct. 1986.
- Presentation and Translation for programs of Arthur Honneger's Le Roi David, performed by the Catholic University Orchestra and Chorus at the John F. Kennedy Center, Washington D.C., Apr. 1979
Creative Writing
Creative Writing
- "Le Beau Rêve de Tante Nore," a Provençal short story, Le Méridional, Febr. 1975.
- "I Never Cooked for Simca," a short story, in Simone Beck, Food and Friends, New York, Viking, 1991.
- "Marseillaise bon teint," a short story, in Dire le mal, Balises 7-8, Archives & Musée de Littérature, Bruxelles: Didier Devillez, 2005.
- "Les Oreillettes," a short story, 1er Prix Concours de nouvelles Destimed, thème : "La Méditerranée, d'une rive à l'autre" April 2015, <http://destimed.fr/Jean-Marie-Palach-et-Jean-Max>
Papers at Professional Meetings
- "Images du décor du roman Banjo (1929) : le Marseille des années 20," Conférence "Claude McKay, un Américain à Marseille," Département Langues et Littératures, Bibliothèque Municipale de l'Alcazar, Marseille, Juin 2015
- "Images of 1920's Marseilles waterfront: from the Breakwater to the Ditch," Conference "Harlem-Marseille, around the Harlem Renaissance and the novel Banjo (1929) by Claude McKay," Georgetown University, Oct. 2013.
- "Marseille pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale," Conseil International d'Etudes Francophones, Aix-en-Provence, June 2011.
- "1939-1944: Marseille outragée! Marseille brisée! Marseille martyrisée! Marseille libérée!" session "Marseilles 1940-1944," Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington KY, April 2009.
- "Caricatures: The Visual Impact of the Dreyfus Affair," video transcript, December 15, 2008. http://sceti.library.upenn.edu/dreyfus/PDF/Guieu_transcript.pdf
- "How the legacy of Dreyfus Affair pertains to challenges facing Democracy Today," in the "Democracy Today,Lessons from Dreyfus & Zola," Second Annual Distinguished Lecture Series, the Lorraine BeitlerCollection of the Dreyfus Affair, Shoenberg Center for Electronic Text & Images, University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Philadelphia, PA, April 3, 2008. http://repository.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1001&context=beitler
- "Limites des limites et contrôle de l'appellation d'origine contrôlée," session "Nation, Region, and Appellation: The Limits of Identity and Identification," 20th and 21th Century French and Francophone Studies Colloquium, "Limits/Limites," Georgetown University, March 2008.
- "Henri Murger and the creation of in Bohemian life," for Giacomo Puccini's La Bohème, American Center for Puccini Studies, Alexandria, VA, October 2007.
- "Un spectacle politique: la dégradation publique du Capitaine Dreyfus," Conference "Spectacle(s) et Politique(s)," Georgetown University, October 2007.
- "La Fayette, franc-maçon," Conference "La Franc-maçonnerie francophone dans le monde," Georgetown University, March 2007
- "Public Exploitation of graphic images by the Press: The Paradigm of fin de siècle French Tabloids," International Society for the Study of European Ideas, "Discontinuity and Fragmentation or / and Continuity and Cohesion in the Modern European Literature and the Arts," Conference, University of Malta, July 2006.
- "La Mort de la Terre (1910): L'Apocalypse selon J.-H. Rosny Aîné", Conference "Utopias, Apocalypses, Inventions, A Science-Fiction Symposium", Georgetown University, April 2006.
- "The Legacy of the Dreyfus Case: Human Rights and the French Ligue des Droits de l'Homme (1898)," Conference "Human Rights: A growing World without them," James Madison University, Harrisonburg VA, March, 2006.
- "Paris demi-monde, the world of La Rondine", for Giacomo Puccini's La Rondine, American Center for Puccini Studies, Germantown, MD, October 2005.
- "Fanfares et fanfaronnades dans les chansons militaires de la Grande Guerre," Colloque "Mémoires et Antimémoires littéraires: Première Guerre Mondiale" de Cerisy-la Salle (France), September 2005.
- "La Coupe et les lèvres (1832) by Alfred de Musset, inspiration for Giacomo Puccini's Edgar (1889)," American Center for Puccini Studies, Germantown, MD, May 2005.
- "La Houppelande, a play by Didier Gold (1910), source of the opera Il Tabarro by Giacomo Puccini (1918)," American Center for Puccini Studies, Germantown, MD, January 2005.
- "Les Intellectuels belges dans l'Affaire Dreyfus," Colloque "La Mémoire historique dans la littérature non-fictionnelle et épistolaire belge" Università di Salerno (Italy), November 17-19 2004.
- "L'Habitation Saint-Ybars (1881) d'Alfred Mercier, romancier américain francophone: 'récit social' français ou 'plantation narrative' américain?" Nineteenth Century French Studies Conference, "French Legacies," Saint-Louis MO, October 2004.
- "Une Lumière noire: le Chevalier de Saint-George, compositeur (1748-1799)," Conference "Haïti et les Antilles," Georgetown University, Washington DC, October 2004.
- "Fanaticism and Deconstruction of the Individual during the Dreyfus Affair: the graphic Impact of Political Caricatures," International Society for the Study of European Ideas, "The Narrative of Modernity. Co-existence of Differences," Conference, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, Aug. 2004
- "A Dreyfus World (Af)Fair," Session "1900 Paris World Fair," Nineteenth Century Cultural Studies Conference, Saint Louis MO, March 2004.
- "L'Habitation Saint-Ybars, ou Maîtres et esclaves en Louisiane, récit social d'Alfred Mercier (1881),"Conference "Louisiana-France," Georgetown University, Washington DC, Nov. 2003.
- "L'Antimilitarisme dans les chansons populaires françaises," Session "Le Pacifisme et les intellectuels français", South Atlantic Modern Language Association Convention, Atlanta GA, Nov. 2003
- "Ethique sociale et chorégraphie: le ballet de Messidor d’Emile Zola," Session "Zola et l'Art," NineteenthCentury French Studies Conference, "Change in Nineteenth-Century French Culture," Tucson AZ, Oct. 2003
- "La 'Parisianisation' naturaliste, ou la couleur sociale sans accent local," Session "Construction and Deconstruction of Identity accross Geographic, Cultural and Subjective Borders," 56th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington KY, April 2003.
- "La Deuxième Plaie d'Egypte: Les Frogs," Conference "The French-American Frontier: New Cultural Spaces," Georgetown University, Washington DC, Nov. 2002.
- "Coping with Exile: Emile Zola in England after 'J'accuse...!'," Session "European Exiles: Political and Cultural," Conference "Living in Exile," James Madison University, Harrisonburg VA, Oct. 2002.
- "Les Autoportraits Photographiques d'Emile Zola," Colloque "Emile Zola: l'homme-récit," University of Toronto, Sept 2002.
- "Coping with Globalization: The Provencal Pastorales," Colloque "European Culture in a Changing World: Between Nationalism and Globalism," International Society for the Study of European Ideas, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, United Kingdom, July 2002.
- "Histoire marseillaise," Colloque "Marseille Bouillabaisse culturelle," Georgetown University, Sept. 2001.
- "Endings of Emile Zola's novels in the movies," South Atlantic Modern Language Association Convention, Birmingham AL, Nov. 2000.
- "Le Rêve d'Alfred Bruneau: how the Contemporary World finally entered the Lyric Stage," Session "Present/Past - Past/Present: Artistic Links Defining European Identity," Colloquium "Approaching a New Millenium," International Society for the Study of European Ideas, Bergen University, Norway, Aug. 2000.
- "From The Story of Emile Zola to The Life of Emile Zola: The Original "Final Script" of Dieterle's movie with Paul Muni (1937)," Nineteenth Century French Studies Association Conference,"Tournants de Siècle, " University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, Oct. 1999.
- "The Award-Winning Screenplay of The Life of Emile Zola (Best Movie, 1937)," Colloquium on Literature and Film, "Language into Light: The Written Word becomes Cinema.," West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, Sept. 1999.
- "Les Gays dans l'affaire Dreyfus," Universités Homosexuelles d'été, Faculté de Luminy, Marseille, July 1999.
- "Crimes et Punishments as Spectacles: Sensationalism in the Illustrations of French fin -de-siècle Tabloids," Nineteenth-Century Studies Association Convention, "Nineteenth Century spectacles", Rutgers University, March 18-20, 1999
- "Une Banque de données iconographique de l'Affaire Dreyfus," Colloque: "J'accuse...!, Offensive moves, Defensive moves," Nineteenth Century French Studies Convention, Penn State, Oct. 1998.
- "L'Enfant unique chez Zola," Colloque: "Règles du genre et inventions du génie au XIXe siècle," University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, September 1998.
- "Identity Through Dialogism and Dialectism in So-called "Regionalist" French Novelists," Conference: "Twentieth Century European Narratives: Tradition & Innovation," International Society for the Study of European Ideas, Haifa University, Israel, August 1998.
- "Political Implications of the Dreyfus Case and Their Impact on Artists and Scientists," invited talk at Cal Tech, Pasadena CA, April 1998.
- "Les Caricatures de l'Affaire et le battage médiatique partisan," Colloque: "L'Affaire Dreyfus Histoire et Mémoire," Columbia University, NY, Feb. 1998.
- "L'Affaire Dreyfus, Histoire et actualité," Keynote Address, French General Session, South Atlantic Modern Language Association Convention, Atlanta, GA, Nov. 1997.
- "Le Traitement du dialecte des personnages provençaux chez Mistral, Daudet et Zola," Colloquium: "Langues du Dix-neuvième siècle," Nineteenth Century French Studies Convention, University of Toronto, Canada, Oct. 1996.
- "La Bête est morte by Calvo: World War Two Zoo," International Comics and Animation Festival and Colloquium, Georgetown University, Oct. 1996.
- "La Pantomime marseillaise," Session on Movement and Performance, Colloquium: "Movement and Movements: The Dynamics of Nineteenth-Century France," Nineteenth-Century French Studies Convention, Univ. Of Delaware, Wilmington DE, Oct. 1995.
- "The Dreyfus Case: Cartoon Warfare," International Comics and Animation Festival, Georgetown University, Oct. 1995."La Bueno Nouvelo dins Bétélèn: The Provençal Pastorale by Antoine Maurel," South Atlantic Modern Language Association Convention, Baltimore, MD, Nov. 1994.
- "Du Tac au tac: repartie, riposte, reprise," Session on the Dreyfus Affair, Colloquium: "The Contours of Identity: Thresholds, Boundaries & Borders," Nineteenth Century French Studies, Santa Barbara, CA, Oct. 1994.
- "Le Théâtre lyrique, seule expression possible du Naturalisme au Théâtre?" Journée Zola, à l'occasion de la création in Marseille of Zola's Thérèse Raquin, adaptation by P. Faure, Université de Provence, Aix-en-Provence, Jan. 1993.
- "Alfred Bruneau and Emile Zola: Naturalism on the Lyric Stage," Institute for Gounod Studies, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, March 1992.
- "Les Caricatures antidreyfusardes de H. Lebourgeois," Journées Zola, Conférence internationale, Boston College, Chesnut Hill, MA, October 1991.
- "Charles Demuth, lecteur/illustrateur de Zola," Colloque international: "Emile Zola: Bilan et perspectives," Columbia University, New York City, NY, October 1991.
- "Le Quotidien des Frances régionales," Colloquium: "Culture, Civilisation, Société: Pour une nouvelle conception des études françaises," American Council for French Social & Cultural Studies, Centre International d'Etudes Pédagogiques, Paris, France, July 1991.
- "Découvrir la France au naturel dans la Presse régionale," American Association of Teachers of French Session, 1991 Foreign Languages Association of Virginia (FLAVA) Conference, Longwood College, Farmville, VA, April 1991.
- "Mireille vs. Mirèio: Gounod and Provençal tradition," First Symposium of the Institute for Gounod Studies, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, March 1991.
- "Les Illustrateurs des romans d'Emile Zola aux Etats-Unis," Colloque: "Zola et l'Image," organized for Zola's 150th Anniversary, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, France, October 1990.
- "History and Culture in the Language Classroom," Colloquium on Teaching of Foreign Languages: "Culture as History: Its place in the Foreign Language Curriculum," The George Washington University, Washington DC, April 1990.
- "Micro news, Macro views: Beyond the National Medias," Colloquium on Teaching of Foreign Languages: "Teaching & Learning: Beyond the Text Book," The George Washington University, Washington DC, April 1989.
- "La France en vacances: Summer Harvest in the Provincial Press," Colloquium: "Communication and Medias in Contemporary French Culture," Georgetown University, November 1988.
- "Taxonomie des fiches iconographiques," (Workshop) Centre Zola, CNRS, Paris, France, June 1988.
- "Problèmes d'analyse iconographique: sémiologie de l'image," (Workshop) Centre Zola, CNRS, Paris, France, June 1987.
- "Lazare by Zola, drame lyrique: Prélude à une résurrection," Colloquium: "Emile Zola & the Arts," Georgetown University, October 1986.
- "French Diction for Singers," Workshop presented at the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association, Pittsburgh, PA, May 1986.
- "Télé-visions françaises de l'Amérique," Workshop presented at the American Association of Teachers of French Convention, New York, NY, November 1985.
- "French Images of America. A Civilization Course," in the Symposium on Contemporary French Culture, Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York, NY, April 1985.
- Sarajévo de Blaise Cendrars," Session on Cendrars and Fiction, Modern Language Association Convention, Washington D.C., December 1984.
- "French Diction in Choral music," Workshop presented at the I.U. 13 Music In-Service Day, Millersville University, PA, November, 1984.
- "The French Press, a SFS Sophomore Seminar," American Convention of Teachers of Foreign Languages, Chicago, IL, November 1984.
- "US/French Contrasting Images," American Association of Teachers of French Convention, New York, NY, November 1983.
- "A propos de term papers," American Association of Teachers of French Convention, New York, NY, November, 1982.
- "Zola et le Drame lyrique," Colloque: "Aux Sources de la Vérité du Théâtre moderne," University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, 1972.
Conferences Organized
Conferences Organized
- "Claude McKay, un Américain à Marseille," Département de Langues et Littérature, Bibliothèque municipale de l'Alcazar, Marseille, Juin 2015, avec Armando Coxe, directeur artistique de Négropolitaines, commissaire de l'exposition Claude McKay, sous l'égide de l'association Africum-Vitae
- "Harlem-Marseille. Around the Harlem Renaissance and the novel Banjo (1929) by Claude McKay," Georgetown University, Oct. 2013.
- "La Franc-maçonnerie francophone dans le monde," for the 250th Anniversary of the birth of the Marquis de La Fayette, Georgetown University, March 2007.
- "Utopias, Apocalypses, Inventions. A Science-Fiction Symposium," Georgetown University, April 2006, with Prof. Sobanet.
- "Haïti & les Antilles" Conference to celebrate the Bicentennial of the Independence of Haiti October 19, 2004 , with Prof. Koné
- "Louisiane-France," for the 200th Anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase, Georgetown University, November 2003.
- "Marseille, Bouillabaisse culturelle," Georgetown University, October 2001
- "1900 Paris World's Fair," Georgetown University, October 2000
- "France in the Jazz age," for the 50th Anniversary of the Faculty of Languages & Linguistics, Georgetown University, October 1999
- "The Dreyfus Case: Human Rights vs. intolerance, prejudice and demonization," for the Centennial of the publication of Zola's "J'accuse...!" February 1998
- "Emile Zola and the Arts," for the Centennial of the publication of L'Oeuvre, October 1986
For Georgetown University
For Georgetown University
- "Les agressions criminelles de l'Affaire Dreyfus, ou Quand des minables se prennent pour des justiciers," in celebration of the centennial of Emile Zola's ashes at The Pantheon, October 2009
- Presentation of Philippe Gumplowicz's lecture on American Jazz Musicians in Paris (2007).
- "Marie-Madeleine. La Tradition provençale," lecture organized for the French Department, Oct. 2006.
- Presentation of Lionel Stoleru's lecture on the French Socialist and the European Constitution (2005).
- Tour leader and Lecturer for the Georgetown University Alumni's Tour in France following the John Carroll Annual Awards in Paris, May 2002, "Echoes of Artists and Writers in Paris and Provence". Lectures included:
- Emile Zola and Naturalism
- Alexandre Dumas, Alphonse Daudet and Provence
- Marcel Pagnol's Marseille
- Mistral and the Provencal revival
- Van Gogh and Impressionists in Auvers
- Van Gogh in Provence
- Cézanne in Aix
- "Emile Zola," lecture for the centennial of Emile Zola's death, French Department, Oct. 2002.
- "La Marseillaise de Jean Renoir," a movie presentation for the Colloquium on Marseille, French Dept. Sept. 2001.
- "Terrorist, and then Chaplain: the Second Founder of Georgetown Visitation Academy," Prelude series of conferences and workshops for incoming Freshmen (Fall 1999)
- "The Image of Napoléon in French Literature," Prof. Ifar Shahid's Research Seminar on the "Mirrors of Napoleon in World Literature" Spring 1998.
- "L'Affaire Dreyfus, conflit iconograpique," Union Démocratique des Français à l'étranger, Georgetown University 1997.
- "Phonologie du Francais provençal," Prof. O'Connor's class on French Phonetics, Spring 89.
- "The Dreyfus Case," Prof. Howarth-Peterson's History class, Spring 1987, repeated Spring 1988, Spring 89; repeated and taped for the Institute of Interpretation and Translation, SLL, Spring 1989.
- Participation in MSFS Round Table for Prof. Goodman (MSFS) graduate classes on "Global Economic Issues" and "Relations between Domestic and Foreign Policies," Spring 83.
For the Washington Community
For the Washington Community
Smithsonian Institution
- "Early History and Legends of Provence" and "Essence of Provencal Culture & Society," a two hour presentation: "Essence of Provence," for the Smithsonian Resident Associate Program, Jan. 2010.
- "From Josephine to Edith: Songs of Paris" Lecture with Live Performance, presented in conjunction with the City-wide "Paris on the Potomac" Celebration, Smithsonian Resident Associate Program, April 2005.
- "Doing Business in France," a Workshop organized for Thomson-CFS, a Smithsonian World Affairs Institute Program designed for Professionals, Smithsonian Associate programs, March 2000.
- "The Insider's Marseilles," Smithsonian Institution Resident Associate program, Campus on the Mall: "France - A Connoisseur's Potpourri" Course series, October 1998
- "Do you speak Franglais?" Smithsonian Institution Resident Associate program, Campus on the Mall: "All Things French" Course series, August 1997
- "Provencal Traditions inspiring or inspired by Arts and Literature," Smithsonian Institution Resident Associate Program, Campus on the Mall; "Discovering Provence and the Côte d'Azur" Course Series, March 1994.
- "Provence: Modern Life, Ancient Civilizations," Smithsonian Institution Resident Associates Program, Campus on the Mall: "Discovering Provence and the Côte d'Azur" Course Series, February 1994.
- "A Provence Journey for the sophisticated traveler," Smithsonian Institution Resident Associate Program, "Campus on the Mall," Sept. 1989. Lectures included:
- "A Journey through History"
- "Provence through a Writer's Eyes"
- "Cézanne and Aix-en-Provence"
- "The Provence of Van Gogh"
- "Provence for the Discerning Traveler
- "Marcel Pagnol, Filmmaker: A Retrospective," Smithsonian Institution, Resident Associates programs, March 88.
- "Christmas in Provence, " Smithsonian Institution Docents programs, Jan 1988. Repeated, National Associates, Smithsonian Institution, Special Christmas session, Dec. 88.
- Tour leader and lecturer on the Smithsonian Institute Cruise "Waterways of France," July 1981. Lectures included:
- "Paris"
- "Victor Hugo"
- "French elections issues"
- "Brittany; France today"
- "The French"
- "Provence," Smithsonian Institute Resident Associates, May 80; repeated May 81.
- "A History of Provence," Smithsonian Institute Resident Associates Programs, May 1979; repeated Oct. 1980
Other Institutions
Other Institutions
- "Un Terroriste à Georgetown : le Chevalier de Clorivière et l'attentat de la rue Saint Nicaise", Association France-Etats-Unis, Comité de Marseille, Avril 2016.
- "Banjo, roman marseillais de Claude McKay," Club d'Amitié Franco-Internationale, Novembre 2015
- "La Dégradation d'Alfred Dreyfus", Déjeuners/Conférences de la Paroisse Francophone protestante, Washington DC, Septembre 2015
- "Claude McKay à Marseille", discours, inauguration du Passage Claude McKay en présence de M. Tian, Premier-adjoint, Mairie de Marseille, et de Mme Quesada, US Consul General, Juin 2015 http://www.approches.fr/Journee-autour-de-Claude-McKay
- "Les Chansons de la Grande Guerre." Club d'Amitié Franco-Internationale, January, 2014
- "Marguerite de Provence, épouse de Saint-Louis," Club d'Amitié Franco-Internationale, December, 2012.
- "Les méandres alambiqués des labels alimentaires de l'Union européenne," Club d'Amitié Franco-Internationale, January 2011
- La Crêche provençale," Déjeuners/Conférences de la Paroisse francophone protestante, Washington DC, December 2010.
- "Les Justes de l'Affaire Dreyfus," Déjeuners/Conférences de la Paroisse francophone protestante, Washington DC, April 2010.
- "Marseille pendant la seconde guerre mondiale," Club d'Amitié Franco-Internationale, November 2009.
- "Les comparses minables et criminels de l'Affaire Dreyfus," Association Démocratique des Français de l'Etranger, Alliance Française de Washington DC, May 2009.
- "The Dreyfus Affair: Caricatures by Lebourgeois and Lepneveu (Musée des Horreurs), The Lorraine BeitlerCollection of the Dreyfus Affair, Shoenberg Center for Electronic Text & Images University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Philadelphia, PA, December. 2008.
- "The Voyage of Life of General Lafayette," Guest speaker at the reception for the Areva Group, sponsoring the Symposium "The Marquis de Lafayette and the Spirit of Revolution, Meridian International Center, Washington DC, September, 2007.
- "Dazzling Contrasts: Paris 1900-Paris 1925," McDaniel College, Westminster MD, April 2007.
- "Intrigue, Injustice, Intolerance. Can History repeat itself? The Dreyfus Case reconsidered," Jewish Community of Amherst, Yitzhak Rabin Memorial Lecture, Amherst, MA. 29 October 2006 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8533123334739360382&hl=en
- "The Military, the Press and the Rights of Man during the Dreyfus Case," Hampshire College, Amherst, MA, 30 October 2006
- "Emile Zola," lecture for the centennial of Emile Zola's death, Club d'Amitié Franco-Internationale, October 2002.
- "Terrorisme et Rédemption: Limolëan de Clorivière," Club d'Amitié Franco-Internationale, October 2001.
- "Therèse Raquin, by Emile Zola" Presentation and discussion with the audience after the performance of the play produced by the Olney Theater, Md. Sept. 2000.
- "Il y a cent ans, L'Affaire Dreyfus," Club d'Amitié Franco-Internationale, French Embassy, October 1997
- "Van Gogh in Provence," Club d'Amitié Franco-Internationale, Washington DC, Dec. 1990
- "Paul Cézanne et Emile Zola," Club d'Amitié Franco-Internationale, March 1989
- "Christmas in Provence," Club d'Amitié Franco-Internationale, Washington DC Dec. 80, repeated Dec. 86; repeated, Leisure World Cultural Club, Dec. 1987;
- "The Life of Emile Zola, the movie," presentation at the American Film Institute, Oct. 1986
- "How to understand the French," Sweet Briar Junior Year in France 25th anniversary Reunion, French Embassy, Sept. 1985.
- "French Opera singers" Club d'Amitié Franco-Internationale, Oct.1981.
- "L'Affaire Dreyfus," Club d'Amitié Franco-Internationale, Nov. 1980.
Series of Conferences on French Opera, the B. Rome School of Music, Catholic U., 1980-1981
Lectures included:
- Lully and Gluck, inventors of French opera
- The "Querelle:" Rameau. Campra, J.-J. Rousseau.
- Italian Composers/French Opera & Literature (Rossini, Verdi, Puccini)
- The "Grand Opera" (Meyerbeer, Halévy)
- French Composers & Literature (Berlioz, Gounod, Massenet, Bruneau, Delibes, Debussy)
- XXth Century French Opera (Ravel, Poulenc, Damase)
- Lecture: "L'Affaire Dreyfus: le rôle de Joseph Reinach, député des Basses-Alpes" Action Culturelle de la Municipalité de Banon (Alpes de Haute-Provence, ex- Basses Alpes, France), October 1, 2005.
Others Institutions elsewhere
Others Institutions elsewhere
- "Dazzling Contrasts: Paris 1900-Paris 1925," McDaniel College, Westminster MD, April 2007.
- "Intrigue, Injustice, Intolerance. Can History repeat itself? The Dreyfus Case reconsidered," Jewish Community of Amherst , Yitzhak Rabin Memorial Lecture, Amherst, MA. Oct. 2006 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8533123334739360382&hl=en
- "The Military, the Press and the Rights of Man during the Dreyfus Case," Hampshire College, Amherst, MA, Oct. 2006
Community at large
- Tour leader and lecturer for the National Trust for Historical Preservation (June 1990, October 1991-)and the Smithsonian Institution Associates Study Tour in Provence (May-June 87 -- Present ). Lectures included:
- "History of Provence"
- "Cézanne"
- "Van Gogh"
- "Art in Provence"
- "Provençal Literature"
- "Provençal culture and traditions"
- "French politics"
- "France & the European Union."
Service to the Professional Community
- Member of the Editorial Board of the South Atlantic Review 2010-
- Member of the Lorraine Beitler Collection of the Dreyfus Affair Advisory Committee, Shoenberg Center for Electronic Text & Images, The University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Philadelphia, PA
Exhibits organized at Georgetown
- French Free-masonry, 2007
- Marseille, 2001
- Paul Colin's Le Tumulte Noir, 1999
- Crêche provençale , Christmas 1985, 1987, 1990, 1993, 1998, 2006
- Ben Shahn's The Dreyfus Case, 1998
- The Dreyfus Case, Spring 1995, 1998, 2002, 2005
Non Academic Consulting Work
Non Academic Consulting Work
Media Appearances
Media Appearances
- A two hour Radio program for France-Culture (Paris) on Zola's lyric dramas, July 1984
- A one-hour Radio interview on Emile Zola, WAMU Washington, D.C., Oct. 1986. A Radio interview on WETA, Washington D.C., All things considered broadcast about a bombing on Rue Copernic and Antisemitism in France, 1981.
- A Radio interview about France's refusal to let US planes cross air space to strike Libya, WWLL New Orleans Apr.1986.
- A Television interview on European Business News, about Chirac's decision concerning the continuation of French nuclear testings, Aug 1995.
- Canadian Radio interview on the "Washington Snippers", October 2002.
- "French culture in the USA" Host Lillian Brown's "Georgetown University Forum" on WAMU, DC, this Radio Broadcast is aired internationally on National Public Radio, Armed Forces Radio Network, and Voice of America. March 2007.
- "The Life and Music of Edith Piaf," a program about Director Olivier Dahan's movie "La Môme" ["La Vie en rose"], Host Tom Ashbrook's "OnPoint," National Public Radio WBUR, May 2007 <http://www.onpointradio.org/shows/2007/05/20070530_b_main.asp>
Other Activities
Other Activities
- Advising Students (Kara Elder and Nichole Griep from Bitburg High School, Germany, Department of Defense Educational Activities) preparing for a presentation for National History Day Contest. Their video documentary, "The Truth is on March. Emile Zola taking a stand in the Dreyfus Affair" won the DoDEA Outstanding State Senior Entry and the Outstanding Entry on an International Theme in 2006
- Acting Chair, French Dept, Georgetown University, 1996.
- Director, Georgetown Audio-Visual Electronic Library Project for the Study of Emile Zola and the Dreyfus Case. 1995-Present.
- American Council for French Social & Cultural Studies, 1990-Present.
- Tour Leader in Provence and Lecturer on France for the National Trust for Historical Preservation 1990-Present and the Smithsonian Institution, 1987-Present.
- Conseil de Rédaction, Les Cahiers Naturalistes, Société littéraire des Amis d'Emile Zola, 1987-Present.
- Editor 1985-86; Editorial Committee Member, Feuille de Routes, Blaise Cendrars International Society, 1986-Present.
- Director of a NEH granted Colloquium on Emile Zola and the Arts, held at Georgetown University, Oct.1986.
- President (1975-78), Vice-President (1972-75), Washington D.C. Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of French.