...Read About Emile Zola and the Dreyfus Affair

Most of these papers presented at the Georgetown University Centennial Conference, February 1998:

"The Dreyfus Case: Human Rights vs. prejudice, intolerance and demonization"

have been published with papers presented at the Columbia University February 1998 colloquium,

"The Dreyfus Affair: Memory and History in France and the USA",

in "Intolerance et Indignation: L'affaire Dreyfus"

available from les éditions fischbacher.

Iconographic Propaganda:

    • "Zola, le Juif" -- Jean-Pierre LEDUC-ADINE, Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Director of the Zola program with the CNRS and the Bibliothèque Nationale, comments on the fanaticism of the iconography associated with the Dreyfus Case.
    • "Image and Idea: Dreyfus as Outsider" -- Ori SOLTES, Curator of the B'Nai B'rith National Museum in Washington DC, considers the history of the conceptual and visual demonization of the Jew, from the Middle Ages in Europe to more modern and world-wide implications.

Human Rights and Bigotry:

    • "Petits bleus et Billets doux: Dangerous Correspondence(s) of the Dreyfus Affair" -- Nicolas DOBELBOWER, Duke University, talks about the fin de siècle anti-gay/ anti-Semitic bigotry during the Case.
    • "Alfred Dreyfus's Body: A Site for France's displaced anxieties about masculinity, homosexuality and power" -- Norman KLEEBLATT, Curator of the Jewish Museum in New York and organizer of the 1987 exhibit on the Dreyfus Case, investigates on the parallels between anti-Semitism and Homophobia.

Keynote Address:

    • "Trial by the Media: Neither Truth nor Justice" -- Keynote Speaker Bill PRESS, previous Democratic Party Chair in California, radio commentator and at present panelist on Crossfire with CNN, reflects on the role of the media and the links between the Dreyfus Case and more contemporary issues.

Moral Stand and the Institutions:

    • "Vérité, roman de l'Affaire" -- Alain PAGÈS, Université de Reims/Sociéte Littéraire des Amis d'Emile Zola, Editor Cahiers Naturalistes, analyzes Zola's novel inspired by the Dreyfus Case.
    • "The Demonization of the Jesuits" -- Fr John W. PADBERG S.J, Director of the Institute of Jesuit Sources in St Louis, explores how a prejudice in reverse and by association demonized the Church.

Intellectual Involvement:

    • "Rallying Around Dreyfus and Léon Daudet: Proust's Affair" -- Scott LERNER, Franklin & Marshall College, analyzes the process which led artists and intellectuals, like Marcel Proust for instance, to involve themselves in the fight.
    • "La Fin du pacte intellectuels-société" -- Alain-Marc RIEU, Université de Lyon, compares the rally of intellectuals during the Dreyfus Case and their subsequent contemporary stance in political causes.

The papers presented at the Columbia University colloquium,

Les Procès de l'Affaire Dreyfus et leurs suites / The Dreyfus Affair Trials and Their Repercussions:

    • "Alfred Dreyfus observé par ses gardiens" / "Alfred Dreyfus Observed by His Guards" -- Michel DROUIN, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)
    • "Le Procès Zola (février 1898) dans la presse nationale et internationale" / "The Zola Trial (February 1898) in the National and International Press" -- Eric CAHM, Université de Tours (France)
    • "Les Caricatures dreyfusardes et anti-dreyfusardes" / "The Pro-and Anti-Dreyfus Caricatures" -- Jean-Max GUIEU, Georgetown University

Raison d'Etat et Anti-sémitisme / "Raison d'Etat" and Antisemitism:

    • "La Raison d'Etat" / "The 'Raison d'Etat'" -- Madeleine REBÉRIOUX, Université de Paris-VIII (France)
    • "Les Mobilisations anti-sémites en France en 1898" / "Anti-semitic Mobilizations in France in 1898" -- Pierre BIRNBAUM, Université de Paris-I (France)
    • "L'Ignorance des origines: entre l'Affaire et la naissance du sionisme" / "Ignoring the Origins: between the Affair and the Birth of Zionism" -- Uri EIZENZWEIG, Rutgers University
    • "'Le Salut par les Juifs'. De Bloy à Céline" / "'Salvation through the Jews'. From Bloy to Céline" -- Sylvère LOTRINGER, Columbia University
    • "An Alfred Dreyfus Collection in the United States" / "Une collection Alfred Dreyfus aux Etats-Unis" -- Lorraine BEITLER, The Beitler Foundation (Edgewater, N.J.)

Les "intellectuels" dans l'Affaire / The "Intellectuals" and the Affair:

    • "Philosémites antidreyfusards: les libéraux et l'Affaire" / "Anti-Dreyfus Philosemites: The Liberals and the Affair" -- Antoine COMPAGNON, Columbia University; Université de Paris-IV-la Sorbonne
    • "The Role of the Anti-Dreyfus Women (Gyp, the Duchess of Uzès, the Countess of Loynes, etc.)" / "Le Rôle des antidreyfusardes (Gyp, la duchesse d'Uzès, la comtesse de Loynes, etc)" -- Willa Z. SILVERMAN, Pennsylviana State University
    • "Péguy and the Affair" / "Péguy et l'Affaire" -- Jeffrey MEHLMAN, Boston University
    • "Les Contre-Zola" / "The Anti-Zola" -- Jean-Yves MOLLIER, Université de Versailles-St-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France)

Représentations de l'Affaire au XXe siècle/Représentations of the Affair in the 20th Century:

    • "Alfred Dreyfus's Body: The Site for France's Displaced Anxieties about Masculinity, Homosexuality and Power" / "Le Corps d'Alfred Dreyfus: le site des anxiétés françaises (masculinité, homosexualité et pouvoir)" -- Norman KLEEBLATT, The Jewish Museum, New York
    • "Between the 'fin de siècle' and the 'Belle Epoque': The Intellectuals in their world" / "Entre la fin de siècle et la Belle Epoque: Les intellectuels dans leur monde" -- David SCHALK, Vassar College
    • "Kafka's Dreyfus, or beyond The Dreyfus Affair" / "Le Dreyfus de Kafka, ou au-delà de l'Affaire Dreyfus" -- Sander L. GILMAN, University of Chicago
    • "L'Affaire dans la dramaturgie au XXe siècle" / "The Affair in 20th Century Dramaturgie" -- Wolfgang ASHOLT, University of Osnabrück (Germany)
    • "L’Affaire Dreyfus et ses traces dans la société japonaise" -- Fumitaka OGINO, University of Gakugei, Tokyo
    • “Marcel Proust and the Dreyfus Affair: A Joking Matter?” -- Sam BLOOM, Columbia University
    • “Deceptions: Writing Fiction on the Affair” -- Susan DAITCH, Columbia University (USA)

L'Affaire Dreyfus et les cultures politiques/The Dreyfus Affair and the Political Cultures:

    • "L'Eveil des intellectuels" / "The Awakening of the Intellectuals" -- Alain PAGèS, University of Reims (France)
    • "Dreyfusisme et anti-dreyfusisme: l'Affaire, prototype de l'affrontement continu de deux cultures politiques antagonistes, de la fin du XIXe siècle jusqu'à Vichy" / "Pro- and Anti-Dreyfus: The Affair, a Prototype of Continuous Confrontation between two Antagonistic Political Cultures, from the End of the 19th Century to Vichy" -- Zeev STERNHELL, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem (Israël)

Most of these papers have been collected and published in "Intolerance et Indignation: L'affaire Dreyfus" available from les éditions fischbacher.

Additional documents:

Statement by President Jacques Chirac on the centennial of "J'Accuse...!"

Chronology of the Dreyfus Affair

Chronologie de l'affaire Dreyfus